Making Bali an International Dining Destination

Confident that Bali’s dining scene has reached world-class standards, the island’s food and beverage industry have banded together and created an association dedicated to promoting Bali as an international dining destination. How Bali is perceived around the world has evolved over time. In just 100 years Bali has gone from rural village scenes to buzzing … Read more


Success for The Bali Restaurant and Café Association Luncheon at Puri Santrian

Success for The Bali Restaurant and Café Association Luncheon at Puri Santrian The beach club at Puri Santrian was the great venue for the Bali Restaurant and Café Association’s (BRCA) second luncheon and welcomed three VIP guests and an important speaker, as the association begins to consolidate its position as the leaders in the culinary business in … Read more

Content BRCA Founders

The Bali Restaurant and Café Association Launches in Style!

The Bali Restaurant and Café Association Launches in Style | NOW! JAKARTA A destination is defined by its nature and culture, its events and facilities, its countryside and cityscapes, its hotels and parks and its museums and performing arts centres, but one thing is often missing in this destination matrix – and that could really … Read more