The Bali Restaurant and Café Association Launches in Style | NOW! JAKARTA
A destination is defined by its nature and culture, its events and facilities, its countryside and cityscapes, its hotels and parks and its museums and performing arts centres, but one thing is often missing in this destination matrix – and that could really be the most important – its restaurants and cafes. Why? Because you only stay in one hotel, often visit only one or two museums or parks, and go to one event but during a week-long stay, you could easily eat at 10 different venues!
The founders of BRCA understood that and decided to take action. Well-known restaurateurs Chris Salans, Dean Keddell, and Anthony Syrowotka together with hospitality heavyweights Kora Amalwati, Nyoman Kertawidyati and Jimmy Gunawan decided to get the culinary industry together under one banner and promote not only their restaurants and cafes but the whole island as a culinary destination.

“It’s not enough to have great restaurants here,” said Chris, “we need to let the world know as well and encourage them to come on a culinary adventure”. “And to do that,” said Dean, “we need to ensure that all our members’ standards of hygiene, health and safety match the standard of their food and service so that we have built in required sustainability and health standards into our membership.”

“Of course supporting local products and services as a priority is also part of being sustainable,” said Anthony “reducing supply chains, but also giving business to the local community”. There is also the question of training and Kora, whose popular restaurant Cibo was the venue for the first BRCA lunch, clearly understands the need for that. “The last two years have devastated the hospitality industry here,” she says, “and we need to help all our industry practitioners get back up to standard through training and practice”.

The launch, which attracted 42 top-level culinary experts, was the start of what is expected to become an industry-wide, member-driven association which combines collaborations with promotions, sustainability with waste reduction and the elimination of plastic, among its many goals and ideals. Chris Salans led off the welcome introducing the board and talking about these goals. Anthony Syrowotka continued on the ideals and the plans for creating promotion and positive media. Dean restated the need for sustainability and the support of local products. President-elect Widya encouraged everyone to join and become active members to create a vibrant and cohesive industry visible worldwide.
In relation to that, Dean announced that BRCA will collaborate with the Bali Hotels Association for the second Bali Sustainable Food Festival from 8th to 24th July this year, in what is expected to be only one of many events to be organized by BRCA.

At the same time, Jimmy Gunawan is leading the charge for collaboration with the local government and the Bali Tourism Board to give members as much leverage nationally and internationally as possible. Watch this space for more news and get ready to book your culinary journey around Bali!
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